Round 1: Bird

I decided to start and play each family in the order they are located in my neighbourhood.  This means that the Bird family is the first to make an appearance, and boy did they ever make an impression.

With both Big and Sky as Family Sims, they both wanted children right away, and lots of them.  With this in mind, the first thing I did was send them to go to bed and Woohoo.  Due to the fact that I have the pregnancy chime turned off, I have no idea if a Sim becomes pregnant until the morning sickness starts and the belly appears.

It finally took half of the season but Sky finally managed to conceive and started wandering the lot in her very anachronistic maternity attire to complete the daily chores of gardening and fishing.  It was a very nerve-racking pregnancy though, due to the heat and lack of a shower (finally gave in and gave them a a waterfall shower near the end of the round) and after going crazy from heatstroke and almost miscarriying the unborn babe three times, she finally give birth to a little girl at the end of the round, whom using the creativeness cavemen are known for, named her Gurrl.  In the end though, Sky managed to gain a bronze talent badge in gardening and Big did the same in fishing (his new fabourite past time, he almost dropped dead from starvation before I realized and sent him to eat).

Big and Sky starting their new lives as caveman. Big tries to catch supper for the night as Sky plants tomatoes. River Stone from next door comes to greet the new neighbours.

Sky contemplates life as a single mother when Big somehow managed to transform into a boulder when fishing at the local water hole.

His mysterious rocky ailment miracously cured, they return home and discuss over dinner modern caveman issues. Such as computers…

… and politics.

The new parents getting some rest while newborn Gurrl lies on a blanket in the middle of the cave and needing to be changed.


Family: Big, Sky, Gurrl
Funds: $1,172

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